Preventing Bycatch with Lights

Applying LED lights onto trawls and adjusting the brightness, colour and flash rates to assess the different behavioural responses in species. When the behaviour of species can be modified, the technologies can be used to catch more precisely and avoid bycatch

“People have their opinion that we are decimating the seabed, we like to use science and technology such as SafetyNet Technology to prove that we are not.”

Ian Whiteman, Skipper of the Eilidh Anne

“SafetyNet Technologies enabled fishers and scientists to work together and test new devices that could have a major impact on one of the global oceans’ largest environmental problems, unwanted bycatch in fisheries. Their generous approach unlocked innovators in the industry to test the equipment with input from my team and resulted in a scientifically peer reviewed publication which showed the potential of using light to manipulate fish behaviour and reduce bycatch.”

Michel Kaiser, Heriot-Watt University

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