Reducing bird bycatch in Filey Bay

Rex Harrison changed his gear from nylon monofilament nets to the black pigeon netting you see on roofs as a method to avoid seabird bycatch in his sea trout gillnet fishery

“Rory has been involved in the project since day one. Instead of arguing, we just spoke over a cup of coffee about it”

Rex Harrision

"I was taught from my father and grandfather ‘if you don’t look after nature, it won’t look after you.’ It doesn’t get old that saying, it is still true today”

Rex Harrison

"The purpose of fishing is to sustainably exploit a marine resource. The Sea birds were collateral damage rather than intentional to kill. I like to have a grassroots approach which looks at how we can solve this problem”

Rory Crawford, RSPB

“The bottom-up approach is necessary. Local solutions are the ones that work best. With top-down management – we need resourcing done in sensible and strategic way”

Rory Crawford, RSPB

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