Voluntary Fisheries Management in Lyme Bay

A voluntary code of conduct was forged between local fishermen and the Blue Marine Foundation to replenish fish stocks and allow important habitats to recover after the seabed was damaged from towed fishing gear and stocks depleted following a ban on mobile gear let to overfishing with static gear

“The great value to us has been in the collaboration between fishermen, BLUE, scientists and the powers-that-be, all meeting together in one room and getting to the root of the problems we’ve had.”

Jim Newton, fisherman and Chairman of the East Devon Fisherman’s Association

“I am lucky that I was involved in forming the Lyme Bay Fisheries and Conservation Reserve, and I am very proud of having helped to forge the links between fishermen, conservationists, regulators and scientists in order to maintain a healthy and sustainable marine reserve within Lyme Bay – one that will benefit fishermen and conservationists. 

David Sales, retired fisherman

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